🏠 6907 Finch St, Houston, TX 77028
☎️ 281-852-7777 or 281-608-4269
Email: landon@sellerfinanceme.com
This Single-Family Home has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and approximately932 SF with a lot size of 9,600 SF. It was built in 1950.
Property is available for:
Cash Sale: $139,000
Owner Finance: $152,900 Owner Financing (with 15% down payment)
Learn more about our OWNER FINANCING Program: www.txownerfinance.com
NO CASH? We take TRADE-INS for down payment or deposit. Do you have a truck, motorcycle, boat, mobile home, trailer, RV, guns, coins or jewelry in good condition!
ARE YOU A CONTRACTOR? Roofer, plumber, A/C tech, flooring, siding, sheetrock, window, door guy, etc. You can work for us in exchange for down payment!